Documents, Forms, Publications and Proactive Releases

The Maryland Department of State Police is committed to the proactive release of the following documents as part of our dedication to transparency with the public. The disclosure of public records is a work in progress and requires continuous updates as we continue to provide unlimited access to agency records and publications​.

The following documents are available for you to download. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader or Microsoft Word (or equivalent) to view these documents. 

Download Adobe Acrobat Reader​​​​

collapse Category : Annual Publications ‎(61)
collapse Category : Cell Site Simulator Reports ‎(2)
collapse Category : General Information ‎(3)
collapse Category : Legislative Reports ‎(1)
collapse Category : Safety Enforcement Downloads ‎(7)
collapse Category : Vehicle Theft Prevention Council ‎(14)
collapse Category : Workforce Diversity Action Plan ‎(2)


MSP Policies and SLEOLA union contract ​can be found HERE​  

  • Forensic Sciences Division  can be found HERE​ 
  • Handgun Roster can be found HERE
  • Disapproved Handguns and Handgun Roster Board Upcoming Meeting Dates and Minutes can be found HERE
  • Approved Safety Devices can be found HERE
  • Handgun Roster Board Members  CURRENT LIST 


Eyewitness Policy  Individuals seeking Eyewitness Policy are to email:​ indicating which individual police agency they are requesting​.

Maryland's Open Data Portal  Quickly search for the latest data and content from Maryland state agencies and contributors at: Maryland's Open Data Portal​
